2010 - The schoolyear we all learn something new

Today is the first day of homeschool - no time to post much, as we're too busy getting back in the swing of things again. With an 8th grader, a 3rd grader and one in kindergarten, I'm pretty sure we'll all be learning something new and exciting. I'm going to be in Photography school while the kids are homeschooling. I've found some terrific online resources and will be reading and studying through them as I have time between lessons. Last night, I took my eldest and her friend to a local business park and we took some photos with my new Nikon. I've been wanting to do this since I got it, but the timing or the weather just hasn't been cooperative. When we got there, a "profeshunal" photographer was there doing a shoot with some high school kids. I tried really hard not to be embarrassed about my lack of flash attachments or zoom lenses. But I did watch him for a few minutes before we decided to explored the back alleys so we wouldn't interfere w...