
2010 - The schoolyear we all learn something new

Today is the first day of homeschool - no time to post much, as we're too busy getting back in the swing of things again. With an 8th grader, a 3rd grader and one in kindergarten, I'm pretty sure we'll all be learning something new and exciting. I'm going to be in Photography school while the kids are homeschooling. I've found some terrific online resources and will be reading and studying through them as I have time between lessons. Last night, I took my eldest and her friend to a local business park and we took some photos with my new Nikon. I've been wanting to do this since I got it, but the timing or the weather just hasn't been cooperative. When we got there, a "profeshunal" photographer was there doing a shoot with some high school kids. I tried really hard not to be embarrassed about my lack of flash attachments or zoom lenses. But I did watch him for a few minutes before we decided to explored the back alleys so we wouldn't interfere w

It's Official...

I am the worst photographer ever. But let me back up... A week ago, I woke up to the most wonderful surprise. My husband left me a note on the toilet seat telling me not to flush it. Oh...that didn't come out right...the note was on top of a BOX that was sitting on the toilet seat. (Look...I know what you're thinking right now..."why did he leave it on the toilet seat?" I don't know why he left it on the toilet seat - he's the kind of guy that will tell you to meet him at 7:32 pm instead of 7:30. You can't stop him - he's a juggernaut of ambition that grabs life by the throat and squeezes everything he can out of it). Anyway...inside the box was a brand spankin' new one of these: And it wasn't even my birthday. Or Mother's Day. Or Christmas. I mean, the man bought me this camera...get this...JUST BECAUSE. I've wanted a digital SLR as long as I can remember. It seemed like everyone had one except for me - Rachel , Beth , Dianne , Dar

Bittersweet summer

Summer is slipping by at a fast pace - wishing I could go back and enjoy a little more of it with my sweet kiddos, but as the old adage goes, "time and tide waits for no man." Many of you already know that my dad passed away July 25th. I am thankful I was able to be there with him, holding his hand when he slipped very peacefully off into eternity. Harder than facing his death was telling my mom, who was still recovering in a nursing home from her car accident -- we brought her home the day dad died. But, thankfully, we made it through with God's help and here we are a couple of short weeks later, making great strides. I spent a good portion of today at my mom's house, cleaning out my dad's closet. Bittersweet memories wrapped up in flannel shirts and "old man" khaki pants. Fishing trips, tall tales, and many a late night camping memories came flooding back as I removed each item and folded it to give to a local missionary. It tickles me to no end that m

The Accident...

*Note - this is a long post, so grab some coffee and a bagel, because it's going to be a while. I've stared at this blinking cursor on the page for too many days, trying to put words on virtual paper...where do I even begin? I've had a month's worth of blog posts happen in a very short time, so I'll probably resort to a bulleted list at some point. We spent Saturday together as a family - the eldest was farmed out to her best friend's house for the night and we had the two youngest with us as we grocery shopped and spent the evening just goofing off. It was around 7:30 p.m. or so when we arrived home, and we were just settling in to watch a movie before the kids went to bed when I received a phone call from one of my brothers on my cell phone. Two things on this: A.) I rarely answer my cell phone if my family is together, because...well, I'm not a slave to my phone and I don't really like talking on it; and B.) I have five living brothers (in order

Mercy and the Sunrise

The sun came up as usual this morning. I find the early morning sunrise to be one of my favorite times of the day. It comes early around these parts in the summer...around 6 a.m. Since I'm usually up preparing my husband's lunch for work, I often miss the actual breaking of dawn. But not today. I felt an unusual urge to get up and read my Bible this morning at a very early hour. It's unusual because on Fridays, my husband is off work and we typically "sleep in" on Friday mornings since Saturdays tend to be a frenzy of preparation for Sunday's services at church. But for some reason, I couldn't sleep and decided to obey the prompting I felt within me. I turned in my Bible to today's reading: Psalm 16. Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust. O my soul, thou hast said unto the LORD, Thou art my Lord: my goodness extendeth not to thee; But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight. I have no good beyond

And Life Goes On...

Words are hard for me lately. I want so badly to find my voice talk about the things that are happening in my life right now. It's not a very amusing or happy place I find myself in... which is why I have all but stopped blogging. With a title like "simply a musing" blog, what is one to do? What's happening in my life lately? One of my 6 brothers died recently, my stepdad is dying a slow and painfully frustrating death from Alzheimer's, my mom is losing her ability to walk - and I feel overwhelmed at times by the changes taking place seemingly all at once. I think about David when he was in the wilderness and running from the wrath of Saul and think I can identify, even if on a much smaller level. I'd like nothing better than to run in hopes of escaping what the future holds for me and my family...but I realize that God has ordained these events and I am supposed to stand firm and grow through this. I just don't want to go through this. It hur

Happy April Fool's Day

I can't resist a good joke, can you? Rest assured, I'll be back to my old self tomorrow. :) Look on the bright side! Subscribe via my RSS feed.