Works for Me Wednesday - Copyright Laws

I don't ever expect to be a blogger that receives 1500 visits and hour, but I am still concerned with copyright laws. There are far too many times I've read something and then written about it later, only to ask myself..."now where did I read that?" because I wanted to give credit to the source.

I stumbled across an article entitled Copyright Laws: 12 Do's and Don'ts written by Daniel at Daily Blog Tips and it certainly gave me pause. I'm not even going to quote much of it here...if you read it in its entirety, you'll see why.

The three that struck me the most were:
7. Don’t assume that if you credit the author there is no copyright infringement: a lot of people wrongly think that if they credit the author of an article or image they are not violating the copyright law. You can only use copyrighted material if you have explicit permission from the author to do so (or if you make fair use of it, as explained before).
8. Don’t copy material just because it does not show a copyright message: the Copyright Law required a copyright notice to protect works until 1977. In 1978, however, the law changed and abolished the requirement for copyright notice. This means that every published work (be it on paper or digital media) automatically gets copyright protection, whether expressed with a notice or not.
9. Don’t equate Creative Commons with “free for grab”: while Creative Commons licenses are less restrictive then standard copyright they should not be interpreted a “free for grab”. In order to understand what you can or can not do with Creative Commons material you should check what kind of license it is using. Certain licenses will require you to credit the original author, while others will require that you release any modifications of the document under the same license.

As bloggers, we should all be aware that there could be legal issues if we aren't careful. For more WFMW tips, head on over to Shannon's.

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Brandy Brow said…
I'm glad you posted this. Copyrights are violated regularly and people either don't realize it or don't care because they see so many other people doing it or think they are using the work for a good cause, so they are entitled. As a writer I always appreciate those who take time to look into copyright law and follow them.


Brandy of The Building Brows
Anonymous said…
Thanks for that - much of it is beyond me but that's no excuse.
Unknown said…
I need to read the whole article, but I do know that much of quoting has to do with how much is quoted in order to prevent copyright infringement. I do a fair bit of book excerpting etc, so I need to read the whole thing.
wow this was AWESOME to share! I sell on and copyright infringement is very personal to me! Thank you so much!
Dapoppins said…
This was on my mind too when I used direct quotes in a recent unsolicited book review. But isn't it okay if you use part, not whole, and give a bibliography...I know I spelled that wrong. But you know what I mean.

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