Stress Free Wrapping
As Christmas morning nears, (my kids count down daily - I am informed practically on the hour) cookies, candies, bars, and the like are being baked; the house is getting a good cleaning; and the
We don't wrap our Christmas morning presents, no-sir-ree. Years ago, I made giant stockings (about 3-1/2 feet tall)for everyone in our family. We have a lovely tradition that on Christmas eve, we each get to open our one or two wrapped presents, and the rest go unwrapped into or under our stockings for Christmas morning. The kids love not having to unwrap 10 gazillion things and mom loves: 1) not having to wrap said presents; and 2) not having to stuff three Hefty garbage sacks full of wrapping paper. It truly makes for a Merry Christmas for all involved.
So that is what works for our family...what works for yours? See more WFMW tips at Rocks in my Dryer.
Technorati Tags: Christmas stockings, works for me, Texas
Wanted to let you know that I updated my blog with a new post on the specifis of the 12 Days tradition. I hope you and your family habve a very Merry Christmas!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Amy @
Merry Christmas!!
Duckabush Blog