Me? Clip Coupons?

This is a question for all of you folks in the coupon clipping club out there, of which I am unfortunately not a member of. I have never had any success with clipping coupons - do you have any pointers for me? Websites I can go to ?

I do not like purchasing un-needed items just because I can get a deal. To me, that's a waste of money...stocking up is one thing, but buying 4 cans of shaving cream so I can get two free is not saving money in my book. But mainly because I don't use shaving cream. Catch my drift? I'm talking about seriously saving money on my grocery bill (ie - food, personal items, etc) I'd love to hear from you - I know there are some mighty thrifty women out there and I have it from reliable sources that some of you even get money back.

Tell me how this is possible. And how can I do it??? Shoot it into the comments, won't you?

(Today's edition of WFMW is totally backwards - we ask the questions and our readers give us the hints. Find out more here.)

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mom_of2boys said…
Since the beginning of the year, I have cut my grocery bill in half. I cut coupons which is something I never did before...I print them off online as well. I make as list of items that we need then pull all the local ads together and compare prices. I'll stockpile if things are cheap or I can get them for free. We haven't changed what we eat...just how much we pay for it!

I know there are some people out there that use the and the Grocery Store game (not sure of the website) but it's easier for me to have the ads in my hand.

Hope that helps you out a little or gets you headed in the right direction.
I have recently just start up on coupon clipping too. I have tried it before and like you I thought I never found good coupons worth my time and I don't like to buy stuff I don't need.

But I have been following moneysavingmom blog which gives a lot of good advice.

Basically, I only cut the coupon that I know I will use based on my weekly menu planning. I also cut coupon for other hygiene stuffs like shampoo and soap which I have no brand preference and try to do the CVS deals. So far, I have been very happy with my progress. I'm not completely an expert yet but I'm getting there and I can see my grocery bills are down from last month by half.
Wifey said…
I use for mine. I order coupons for things I need/want to buy and they come within a few days.
Mom2fur said…
Well, if you did use shaving cream, then that would be a great deal, LOL! You'd have enough for months!
I don't clip coupons. I keep mine in a 3-ring binder, one circular to a page protector. (The kind you use for 8.5 x 11 scrapbook pages.) I write the date on the side. But before I put them in there, I record them in a Word document. I actually have several documents: one for Redplum and one for Smart Source (the two big publishers of Sunday coupon circulars) and one for Proctor & Gamble as well as loose coupons from magazines. I record them by date and type (Food, House, Health & Beauty.) Because I only record the coupons I'll use, I really don't spend that much time each week doing this. It just makes it easier to find them when I'm heading to CVS or Walgreen's. I use 'Grocery Game' for supermarkets. I have to say that, between my filing system and Grocery Game, I save an average of 40% a week.
I've been couponing for about 3 years now, and have built such a good stockpile that my weekly shopping list is actually pretty small. Once you get started with couponing, you'll find the system that works best for you. It takes about 3 months before you really see your stockpile building, but you should see savings right away. Just try your best to combine coupons with sales!
Anonymous said…
Wow. Just reading the comments is inspiring!

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