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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Packing my bags up for a good night's rest...not.

The last Sunday of every month, our little church has a Birthday/Anniversary Fellowship and all the members bring a potluck style dinner for after services (where the fellowship part comes in - we Baptist LOVE us some good food). We had more folks come out of the woodwork this last Sunday for some free fixins than I have seen in a long time...funny how they only come when there's food, but I digress.

I said all that to say this - when we got home Sunday night, it was fairly late (like NIGHT late) and as we were driving up the driveway, I saw a little orange furball laying lying prone on our bottom step, an offering from its young mother who could not care for it. Apparently, she knows I am a total softie when it comes to babies and neither I nor my husband was willing to just leave it out all night mewing its little heart out for mommy.

So...we brought it in and began feeding and caring for it as any good parent would. Today, he got his first bath (not fully immersed, mind you) because he had some very pesky fleas and I just wasn't willing to bear a repeat of Flea Fest '07. He actually enjoyed the sensation of the warm water running over him and the gentle warm breeze of the blow dryer. Almost as good as a day at the beach, but not quite. He's still a tad bit "wierd" looking, as most babies are -- big googly eyes and really scrawny. I'm feeding him every three to four hours and he's finally taken to the syringe (sans the needle). I am guessing he's about 10 days old, since his eyes are open and he's got his incisors.

The kids have all named him - different names of course. Jake Tiger Sweetheart. I've decided we'll call him Tiger for short. It's simpler and he really doesn't look like a Sweetheart (that was AJ by the way).

Proof positive why I have big bags and dark circles under my eyes:

(kindly disregard the fat belly under the towel...that would be mine.)

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Dapoppins said...

so sweet. said...

Thanks! I am hoping for more rest tonight, though...

Mrs Pretzel said...

WAIT! I wanted to see a pic of those BAGS!!!! lol