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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Three Faces of AJ

Tomorrow you will be FIVE! YEARS! OLD! You are one extremely talented and diverse kid. You are an artist whose drawings will forever hang in the annals of mama's scrapbook pages, you are a superhero who knows exactly when mom needs a "power hug", you are a big brother and a little brother at the same time, trying to find the balance between asserting your manly strength and controlling your temper. I am blessed beyond measure to know you. Thank you for making my life a whole lot brighter than it ever could be without you in it!

Happy Birthday, AJ! Mama loves you!

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Mrs Pretzel said...

HAAAAAAAAApy BIiiiiiiirthdaaaaay tooooooo YOoooooooooooooooou, HAaaaaappy Biiiiiirthday tooooooo Yooooooooou, Haaaaappy Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirthdaaaaaaaaaaaaay, Dear Aaaaaaaaaa Jaaaaaaaaaaay, Happy Birthday to you!

Anonymous said...

A very happy b-day to AJ!