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Saturday, July 7, 2007

What is your grocery budget? Because I like to know these things...

I'm about to head off to the grocery store to buy groceries for our family of 5 on a shoestring budget, which means I spend about $75 every two weeks, or $150 a month. And I couldn't help but wonder, what do y'all spend on your groceries every month?

Call me curious...but just once, I'd love to see how the other 5% of US Americans with some real wealth buy groceries. Sigh...just the thought of fresh fruits...all I wanted. I'm tingling, people.

So I want to know. What do you spend?

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Unknown said...

GASP! I am embarrassed to admit that I reserve $800 a month (cash) for groceries ~ family of five as well. We don't have a lot of discretionary income because of it, but I try to buy organic and locally produced food and environmentally-friendly products.

I like to cook with really good ingredients, and those can be expensive. I try to stay away from snack foods, which can be a BIG budget buster.

~Shelia said...

Check my blog for the answer. Seems like a good post!


Kimberly said...

How in the world do you manage to only spend $150 a month? We spend like $400+ a month for a family of 5.

Mel said...

I think I need your help!!! I go about every 2-3 weeks for a big shopping and spend about $200 plus we do regular stops throughout the week for fresh fish and other stuff so probably close to $500 a month for a family of 4. I do a lot of fresh veggies and fruit also, plus try to make new recipes often in the summer and I find when I cook from a cookbook the meals are more pricey. My mother spent about $80 a week for a family of four growing up and she thought that was tight. You are an amazing budget woman!!!

Anonymous said...

My embarrassing answer is that I have no idea how much I spend on food. If money runs out the corners are always trimmed in other departments...not food. I've never been a good budgeter. :(

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Wow! How in the world do you buy for a family of five for $150 a month??? Are you able to buy any meat or fresh produce?

I am absolutely by NO means wealthy. LOL We have budgeted right around $500/month for groceries. (And another $200/month for having some meals from out -- we especially like to be able to go out and get something to eat as a family after Mass. Oh -- the meals from out category includes *any* food from out -- like a trip out for ice cream or like when hubby splurged and got Starbucks on his payday.)

I'm sure it would help our budget if I could manage to spend a bit less in the food department. But, I do tend to plan my menus, etc. pretty carefully, and am happy with what I plan.

Oh...I forgot to add...we are a family of five as well.

Dapoppins said...

We have a family of 6...I used to spend less, but lately it is close to $400 a month. They are constantly hungry and I don't know how to keep them full. Any ideas? I would love to spend less.

Diana said...

Wow...I spend more than $150 a month and we are empty do you do it? I live near Chicago...are groceries that much cheaper in Texas?