Wordless Wednesday...Why???

Why do people in the South feel the need to DO this???

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Anonymous said…
oh trust me, it isnt just the south. lol i've got family here in missouri who do this and i dont get it. :(
Bernie said…
Yeah I do not know why either... Kinda lame really!!

Happy WW!!
Alexis Jacobs said…
I never understood it. And I've seen it everywhere in the country. Okay well maybe not CA. :) Happy ww!
Anonymous said…
I see nothing wrong with helping your wall mounted deer head accessorize with a tassel around its neck. It's the whole shooting, stuffing and mounting part I don't get!
DebD said…
LOL - that is hilarious!

Happy WW
Donna. W said…
I guess Missouri is the south too. Happy WW.
I always wondered that too :)
ZAM said…
Deer hunting is a fascinating hobby to some. Maybe it's the thrill of the unpredictable.
Kelly said…
I'm not sure what is worse...the deer, or the tassel! If you're going to hang a deer, at least give it a tiny bit of afterlife dignity and don't accessorize it!

Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
It's out here in Colorado, too! I embarrass myself frequently by complimenting the "deer" that is actually an elk, or vice versa.
Kimberly said…
LOL, I have lived in the south all my life and never have I seen anyone with a deer mounted on the wall; let alone one with a tassel. I do know some people that keep an extra freezer just for deer meat. No wait...they're yankees. LOL :)
Anonymous said…
I'm with you on that...We used to have a BBQ joint here in town that used dead stuffed animals as the decor. I never went in to eat because, really, how could I sit there and eat meat with all the animal heads staring at me...ack! Now...the tassle...that's a good thing!
Anonymous said…
I always wondered that too. Happy WW.
Anonymous said…
My husband has one of those but I refuse to let him bring it home. At least it is not decorated like some I have seen.
Deb said…
I wish I knew!

Happy WW! :)
carrie said…
A familiar sight to someone who lived in East Texas for 7 years of her childhood! That was a big event every year. We never had any in our house, but grandparents had plenty to make up for it. It is really dumb when you think about it!
Anonymous said…
Well they should have left off the pictures, deer heads should always stand alone. Ha ha. Seriously, I would cry if there was a dead animal on my wall staring at me all the time.
Melanie said…
Well, I can't answer the question why? they do this, but I do know it takes a long time to make and costs a LOT of money! My last babysitter's husband did this for a living!!!! She says he is "fast" and "fast" is three months! I was like wow!!! It's interesting to talk to someone who does love it, but somehow, I still don't understand it myself. I know it is an Art form I have learned! Do I have one in my house? Nope. But I have more respect since the babysitter I explained above.

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