Polishing the Dull Side of Life -- with a Giveaway

monthly blog contest(UPDATE: The February contest ends today at noon CMT. I cannot stress enough that if you are entering as "Anonymous", you must leave contact information! I have had quite a few anonymous entries which will not be eligible for the drawing because I have no contact information)
This week, I will be celebrating my 500th post. Well, celebrating may be too strong of a word, but I'll at least be recognizing that it's happened. Word is, that I'm even having another giveaway. Oh, all right. I am having a giveaway. And I've decided I love this giveaway thing so much, that I'm hopping on the bloggy bandwagon and I'm going to have a monthly giveaway. Yep, the last week of every month, I'll be giving y'all something, anything...well,whatever I have on hand, to be honest. 'Cause I'm not made of money you know...I just like showering the people I love with love. I'm giving like that.

I even made a little button for it - that's how committed I am.
Here's the code for it if you want to add it to your sidebar for a little linky love. It's not required for entry into the monthly contest, but it is appreciated. Besides...how can you not want that cute littly birdy on your blog? I mean, really. So here's the code if you need it:

<a href="http://www.simplyamusingblog.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r87/tallgirltexas/giveaway-logo.jpg" border="0" alt="simply a musing blog monthly contest"></a>

So what's the prize for this month? Good question. I thought about it long and hard...looked around my house and decided on this (okay, I stole it from my daughter's fund-raiser box, but I'll give her the $10 it cost, honest I will):

It's one of those candles . It is tripled scented and will burn forEVER. Well, okay, 25-30 hours. The scent is Muscadine, which to me is quite beautiful, but if your smeller doesn't like it, we can probably look through the box and pick another scent. Because, again, I'm giving like that.

~The contest begins today and ends Friday, 2/29 at 12pm CMT.
~One entry per person, please. (I will enter your name FIVE more times if you mention this contest on your blog or link to it in your sidebar using the html code I've provided - just let me know you've posted in the comments so I can visit.)
~You do not have to have a blog to enter - just be sure to leave me your contact information in the comments.
~If this sounds like extortion, I assure you it is. NOT. I just need you to get the word out about this contest - y'all have readers I don't have. Eventually, I'd like to start offering bigger giveaways, but that stuff takes time. I'm just a widdle bwog.

So help me celebrate my 500th post, won't you? Enter in the comments now and then go tell everybody about it. Please?

simply a musing blog

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Michelle said…
Congratulations Karen on your 500th post!!! The candle is a lovely prize please enter me in the drawing.. :-) oh and I'd love to display the button on my blog too *will do that later after we get back from breakfast...have a great weekend..
Welcome! said…
Congrats on your 500th post. So glad I found another "hip" homeschool Mom to visit. I have a red kitchen sink and that candle would look doggone cute sitting next to it!
Kimberly said…
Happy 500th Post! I hope I did it correctly on my blog! Please check it out and let me know if I forgot to add anything! HUGS!!
Kimberly said…
Hahahahaha! I fixed it! You are no longer a sweet (old) lady...but a sweet young lady! LOL! :)
Amy said…
Five Hundred Posts!
Holy Cow!

I would love a candle, enter me.
SJINCO said…
Wow, 500 posts, that's impressive! Please enter me to win, I LOVE candles and would LOVE to have this one! Your button is going up on my site :)

Good day!
Anonymous said…
oh I would love a new a candle!

Anonymous said…
Just to let you know, I added your giveaway to my contest/giveaway blog at http://contest4moms.com. I would also be happy to put your button in the sidebar if that is ok with you.

Maude Lynn said…
Congratulations on 500!
Gail said…
Congratulations on your 500th post - that's fabulous!
Bebemiqui said…
Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com
Anonymous said…
Happy 500th and MANY MORE!
please enter me for the candle, thanks!
Anonymous said…
Happy 500!

Anonymous said…
Happy 500th!! Please enter me too..

Jeanette J said…
Congrats on the 500th post. I'm not sure if you are allowing Canadians to enter your contest but I would like to
Stacey Moore said…
WOW ~ Happy 500th!! I have blogged it here:
Anonymous said…
Congratulations with the 500th entry!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on 500! Wow!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Bunny B said…
WOW! 500th post - Congratulations! Have blogged about you here.
Anonymous said…
I'd love to win the candle. Sounds great! I blogged you here:
shakerbaby said…
Please enter me for the great candle! WOO HOO!
Mystnrayne said…
Grats 500, wow.

Please enter me.
peg42 said…
500 posts. Wow! Congratulations and thanks for including us in your celebration.
Anonymous said…
would love a candle!!thanks ahdrad2932atmsndotcom
idahomom said…
I happy 500 that would be a lot of candles. Don't burn the house down.
Anonymous said…
Way to go. Hope you make another 500!
Erica G said…
Here's to another 500!

egreca [at] hotmail [dot] com
Beverley said…
Congratulations! And I hope I win!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your progress. Please enter me in your giveaway. I love candles.
njones127 at tampabay dot rr dot com
vboackle said…
congrats on the big 500.
msrodeobrat said…
congratulations on your 500! post enter me please
redron said…
congrats on your achievement.
Fangirl Jen said…
Congrats on 500 posts. I am impressed!
windycindy said…
"WAY TO GO" An amazing accomplishment. Please enter me in your candle drawing. I appreciate it!
Anonymous said…
I am always looking to find new and interesting blogs to read, and possibly learn from, and I have found another today, in yours. If I were to win your giveaway, it would only be an added plus. :)
Betsy said…
Cool! I am linking the button now!
buggies908 said…
conrats and thanks for the giveaway! buggies908@aol.com
Leah said…
Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!
Anonymous said…
Would really love this! Thank you

JaniceJ said…
Congratulations on your 500th post!!
I love all candles, thanks for the giveaway!
Anonymous said…
I love candles :)
Anonymous said…
wow 500 posts

rubyredsquirt said…
congrats on your 500th post!
DePro said…
Congrats! Count me in.
Anonymous said…
Enter me! This is a great giveaway

Angela said…
Sounds great!!

I blogged you too
Opening Pandora said…
Happy 500! Thanks for the chance at such a nifty giveaway!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your 500th post.
This would be a great candle to have in my kitchen.
Belinda said…
I love candles. Thanks for the contest.
Tyra said…
oooohhhh, I LOVE CANDLES, I am obsessed with anything that smells good!I hope I win! I will definitely spread the word!
Bree said…
Congrats! Thanks for the giveaway!
phxbne said…
Thanks - and congratulations!
Anonymous said…
thank you for the great contest

enter me please

pethof (at) gmail (dot) com
Rachael said…
Wow, 500 posts! Congrats! I'm just a recently new blogger and have a ways to go yet before I reach 500. Enter me into your contest, sounds like lots of fun. I love the quote at the top of your blog "If you can't see the bright side of life; Polish the dull side" LOL How true. I've put your button up on my sidebar and linked to your site.
Linda said…
I'd love to be entered in the giveaway. Thanks!
Mya Brooks said…
You talk too much...haha!!! Congrats on the 500!!!
mzzterry said…
500 is a big number!!
I put your button with that cute little blue birdie on my blog too!! We are now two TEXANS linked!!!!
masonsgranny59 said…
wtg! ty 4 the contest!!
Dorothy said…
Congratulations, Karen! I happily posted about your 500th over at http://fieldstonecottage.blogspot.com/2008/02/karen-celebrates-her-500th.html
I'm not up to putting little birdies in my sidebar yet. This week's new skill was embedding a you tube video in my post. One step at a time...
While I would feel bad if I won since I just won something from you, I did mention you in the post where I "revealed" my new blog header, as well as added your birdie to my sidebar. So...being a red-blooded American girl, I had to ask for the extra entries :)
Lisa Garner said…
Congratulations on you 500th post!! Thanks for having this giveaway. I adore candles. I posted your link on my blog to help spread the word.
mulltc said…
Congrats! Pretty Candle - thanks!
Anonymous said…
Happy 500th!
Susan W said…
Congrats on your 500th!
Thanks so much!
Meredith said…
Cadles are romantic and earthy!
Sahm Lee said…
Congrats! I would love to win this!
yellowlabs said…
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Anonymous said…
I'd love to have one! Congratulations on your 500th blog and keep up the great work! :)
md-sweeps at hotmail dot com
Christi S said…
Congrats on 500 posts! Being as I just started in October, I'm way impressed and look forward to celebrating my 500th post! I can almost smell the candle already! Thanks for sharing!
sachidewey said…
Congrats on your 500th post! Milestones are fun!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your 500th post. I would love to win this candle.
Anonymous said…
wow!!! congrats...count me in for the candle! sharla_golden@yahoo.com
WOW, 500 posts! Congrats! (I have a loooooong way to go to catch up, LOL)
Jinxy and Me said…
Congrats on reaching 500 posts!!! Here's to 500 more.....
annemarie562000 said…
Congrats on the 500th post. Cool candle.
Kathy in WA said…
Sounds great, Thanks!
Tisa said…
Congratulations on your milestone! I'm a wee bit obsessed with candles lately - LOVE them! ~ :) Please count me in! Thanks!
jmagloro[at] ywave.com
Anonymous said…
Congrats. Keep up the good job.

tiny525 AT yahoo.com
aharris007 said…
You can never have too many candle in your home!! I absolutly LOVE candles!!!
Please enter me
Betty C said…
Congrats on your 500th post.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your 500th.
My Dad used to always tell me about muskadines and how he and his friends would pick them and eat them on their walk to school and home again when he was a little boy. I've never seen or smelled one, but I'd really enjoy the candle. It would remind me of him.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your 500th post - that's quite impressive! I love candles and burn the almost daily. I have no idea what Muscadine smells like, but I'm willing to find out! Thanks for giving us the chance to win.
Schlauberger said…
Congrats! Nice giveaway, I love candles!
Jessilyn82 said…
Congrats on your 500th post and thanks for the fun contest!
Kari said…
Congrats!! Please enter me
Anonymous said…
Congrats on you 500th post. It will take me forever to get there. I'm glad you are allowing others to celebrate with you. Thanks
Anonymous said…
Congrats on #500! You're halfway there to 1000!!!
mar said…
congratulations - I would love the candle - thank you
Suz said…
Mmm. You can never have enough candles. Count me in!
Anonymous said…
Can I enter if I'm a little 'hippy' but not 'hip'? :) Congrats on your 500th post!
Anonymous said…
sweetsue said…
500 posts? Wow! I only have three. Please enter me in your contest, I have never smelled muskadine.
lilyk said…
Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!
Jane O' said…
Congratulations on your 500th. I had no idea the blogosphere was that old. I just hit 100 and that was a chore. Good job!!!
imjasonc said…
What a nice giveaway !! Thanks !!!
Anonymous said…
congrats! im in

edq143 at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said…
I want to be a winner!
Samantha P said…
cool beans! 500 is a lot!
Sylvia P said…
great giveaway, and congrats!
ladypawnbroker said…
Who doesn't love candles! Enter me please!
Anonymous said…
Congrats and thanks for the great giveaway.
Anonymous said…
I smell it....I smell it....aaaahhhhh.

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