Bloggy Giveaways $100 Target Card

This time around, I'm doing things a little differently - if you want to play along, great! Here are the hoops you'll have to jump through in order to win:
*Subscribe to my blog via feedreader at the end of this post or via email to the left and leave me a comment stating that you subscribed. (If you are already subscribed, just leave a comment and I'll include you in the drawing). Do not leave a generic "oh! I'd love to win this" or you will be disqualified.
*I can tell if you have subscribed or not through my feedburner pro account, so please don't tell me you have subscribed if you haven't - I can see who has and who has not.
*One entry per person per day. You may enter daily until the contest ends, but if you enter more than once per day, you will be disqualified.
*Contest will go through Thursday, July 31 at 12 midnight and the winner will be contacted via email as well as announced on my blog on Friday, August 1st.
*You must leave an email address or have it in your profile so that I can contact you after the drawing.
Head on over to Melanie's place at Bloggy Giveaways and see what else is up for grabs - I hear there's going to be some great stuff up for grabs.
P.S. I heard you are doing a re-design for Ellen B. at The Happy Wonderer! Can't wait to see what you come up with for her.
jktzhaggard at yahoo dot com
thanks for the opportunity! I LOOOVE target!!!
lori at thecowboyshack dot com
Come visit mine too:)
P.S. I subscribed :).
Thanks for this AWESOME giveaway!
I already subscribe in Google Reader, but I'll be back by daily. Thanks, Karen!
Do you know how many school supplies this card would be able to buy?
I know, not glamorous, but necessary. :)
tuesdayef (at)aol (dot)com
I could really use some school supplies from Target. You know like, new shoes and a handbag. And maybe some Sharpie markers. :o)
You're going to have 10,000 comments before all is said and done! YOU GO GIIIRL!
I already subscribe to you and I'm pretty sure you know where to find me.
Gosh...see? You know how to have a daggum giveaway! Thanks!!
And yes, I'd love the Target card. Thanks!
ShabbyPaperDoll at aol dot com
I'm already a subscriber and looove your style and posts. I can't believe you've saved that card since June. You have so much more self-control than I would :P There are like a million and one things in Target I would buy. Thanks for the awesome give away and the daily pick me ups!
melissa at gmail dot com
I love target, and I love that their gift cards don't expire (like I would let that happen, but still!)
Woo Hoo!
jes (AT) beauty from chaos (dot) com
Follow me on twitter/thatgirlblogs
shuey6 (at) comcast (dot) net
aeinhorn at gmail dot com
Thanks...this would be so handy to win!
You are a clever, clever girl... ;)
I subscribed!
♥ Melissa~
Pink Paper Peppermints
I would love to use this for my dd's dorm room decorating fund! We are already starting to get ready for next year, lol.
I subscribed and can't wait to browse through your site!
Please enter me!
This would come in VERY handy for back to school shopping.
Thank you for a very generous giveaway.
P.S. Yes, I subscribed via my Google reader. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Crossing my fingers!
Awesome giveaway, Karen!
Great Giveaway!!!! You really went allllll out!!!! =)
elkmeese (at)
katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com
I subscribed and confirmed!
=) melanie
katiekarr at gmail dot com
That's just crazy talk :)
Come check out my giveaway too!
parcelhome at comcast dot net
redfantum at aol dot com
GCs rock, thanks for the chance to win. :) == internationalfreebies AT gmail DOT com
I blogged about you also:
What a wonderful giveaway! Now I just need to remember to come back here every day and enter. Knowing me I'll forget...but I'll sure try!
Thanks for the wonderful chance at winning your giveaway!
I need some new clothes! :)
mishmish1010 at gmail com
I already subscribe and have instant updates of your posts on my lil ole blawg.
So, can I enter, pretty please? Because I could use me some Target bucks.
Back to school and all that.
Come visit!
Thank you!
I subscribed to your blog via Google reader. Thanks so much!
Would love to win this as it's getting near back to school time. This hundred bucks would easily take out a giant chunk from the endless supply list.
karlacinid AT gmail DOT com
greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com
jesshekman (at) hotmail (dot) com
kvicker at hotmail dot com
Mary, mom to 10
Even if you weren't giving away $100, I'd be around to check on you. I enjoy your blog!
Thank you so much for such a wonderful contest !!