All good things come in Threes - a giveaway!
***If you're here via Bloggy Giveaways - please go to item #3 - that's the giveaway!***
Mondays are good days for announcing things, don't you think? It's long been known that I'm a maker of lists and enjoy the pleasure of accomplishing tasks and marking them off of said lists, if for nothing else than just the satisfaction of seeing something was actually completed.
1. My brand-spanking new Design Blog is finished. I am so excited about it - I coded it myself (which explains why some of you who have MSIE6 and FF2.0 will have viewing issues - working on the bugs still). You can visit it if you like, or not. I still have some work to do on it and there are still a few pages that are either buggy or not complete, but honestly? I just wanted to get it out there so I could announce part two of my list.
2. My order pad is open for business. Yay! I already have a wait-list of five people, but I will accept new clients as well - please go to my new Design Blog for the new pricing list and to place your orders.
3. And finally, today is the first day of a special giveaway I hinted around at last month. Some of you know that my husband recently got me the full Adobe CS3 Creative Design Suite (I had just purchsed the Photoshop CS3 two months earlier) - and apparently he got a steal because they were just about to come out with version 8 - so he couldn't wait until Christmas (so much for surprises) because he knew how much I'd been wanting it. (Everyone say "awww")
So what's the giveaway? Adobe Photoshop CS3, of course! It is the original disc with the original packaging - the box and getting started manual come with it. The only catch is that it had been installed on my computer once. I uninstalled it when I received my new one so it's ready to go for someone else, complete with the product and registration key. It's like BRAND NEW, people.
I'm not Pioneer I'm not giving away a brand new copy, but you can think of it as "re-gifting" or whatever floats your boat. It's all good and I would have killed for a good used copy when I started my design business earlier this it was, I spent over $300 on it. Someone is going to win it for free.

If you're still with me - here's the hoops:
1. One entry per person per day. Yes, I said per day. You may enter once a day every day up until October 31st, at which time I will close comments and commence the drawing using a random number generator, or my pointing finger, depending on how many comments there are.
2. Please tell me why you want to win this in your comment...all comments that are generic "count me in!" and "I'd love to win this" will be thrown out, because I can do that.
3. Giveaway is open to bloggers and non-bloggers alike - open to US and Canadian residents.
4. Giveaway ends Friday, October 31st at midnight, winner will be contacted via email and announced on this blog.
5. I can't believe I have to remind folks this - but PLEASE leave me a way to contact you - an email or your blog address with an email address - I will not leave a comment on a blog letting you know you've won. I need the ability to EMAIL you. Thanks!
How's that for a Monday? Pretty good, huh?
Look on the bright side! Subscribe via my RSS feed.
Mondays are good days for announcing things, don't you think? It's long been known that I'm a maker of lists and enjoy the pleasure of accomplishing tasks and marking them off of said lists, if for nothing else than just the satisfaction of seeing something was actually completed.
1. My brand-spanking new Design Blog is finished. I am so excited about it - I coded it myself (which explains why some of you who have MSIE6 and FF2.0 will have viewing issues - working on the bugs still). You can visit it if you like, or not. I still have some work to do on it and there are still a few pages that are either buggy or not complete, but honestly? I just wanted to get it out there so I could announce part two of my list.
2. My order pad is open for business. Yay! I already have a wait-list of five people, but I will accept new clients as well - please go to my new Design Blog for the new pricing list and to place your orders.
3. And finally, today is the first day of a special giveaway I hinted around at last month. Some of you know that my husband recently got me the full Adobe CS3 Creative Design Suite (I had just purchsed the Photoshop CS3 two months earlier) - and apparently he got a steal because they were just about to come out with version 8 - so he couldn't wait until Christmas (so much for surprises) because he knew how much I'd been wanting it. (Everyone say "awww")
So what's the giveaway? Adobe Photoshop CS3, of course! It is the original disc with the original packaging - the box and getting started manual come with it. The only catch is that it had been installed on my computer once. I uninstalled it when I received my new one so it's ready to go for someone else, complete with the product and registration key. It's like BRAND NEW, people.
I'm not Pioneer I'm not giving away a brand new copy, but you can think of it as "re-gifting" or whatever floats your boat. It's all good and I would have killed for a good used copy when I started my design business earlier this it was, I spent over $300 on it. Someone is going to win it for free.

If you're still with me - here's the hoops:
1. One entry per person per day. Yes, I said per day. You may enter once a day every day up until October 31st, at which time I will close comments and commence the drawing using a random number generator, or my pointing finger, depending on how many comments there are.
2. Please tell me why you want to win this in your comment...all comments that are generic "count me in!" and "I'd love to win this" will be thrown out, because I can do that.
3. Giveaway is open to bloggers and non-bloggers alike - open to US and Canadian residents.
4. Giveaway ends Friday, October 31st at midnight, winner will be contacted via email and announced on this blog.
5. I can't believe I have to remind folks this - but PLEASE leave me a way to contact you - an email or your blog address with an email address - I will not leave a comment on a blog letting you know you've won. I need the ability to EMAIL you. Thanks!
How's that for a Monday? Pretty good, huh?
a) I'm a lifelong artist/designer who plays in Photoshop 7.0 and would love all the bells and whistles!
b) Being an artist doesn't mean I'm rich or can afford things like that.
In fact, I'm living off hubby's income and have recurring illnesses that prevent me from being in the commuting workforce.
c) Besides an elusive reason (my half awake brain lost it) I would love to find out what I can do with the whole lot of things in there!
d) You give me hope! =)
Thanks, Karen! :D
I have an extremely bright son who also loves to draw/create/edit graphics and photography on his computer and this would really be great for homeschooling.
So, will we need to give you new reasons every time we comment? ;-)
Just love it!
What a great idea for a giveaway.
To be honest, I really want to win this because my husband has a macbook for work, and has photoshop, but I am not allowed to touch it. Drives me crazy. There are so many things I want/need to do with photoshop! I am not accustomed to not being allowed to do something. ;)
I will be unable to type the rest of the day because my fingers will be crossed.
... open this to one entry per day.
... and to think I can come up with something original to say besides "count me in." Does it have to be original every day I enter? Geesh. Taxing my brain now. I'd rather code.
Ok, I love Photoshop and I'm stuck with 10 -- that's so old it's like having a flip cell phone ;)
All of that to say, I've always wanted Photoshop, and have been trying to convince the hubby to buy me Elements so I don't have to feel totally and completely left out of the Photoshopping world. I'd gladly take a used copy! I'm all about recycling. :)
I don't think I have 11 more re-gifting horror stories, or else I'd leave you one every day for as long as the contest is open. :)
flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
Please say this is a Mac version...
1. I have heard rave reviews about the software but don't have a clue as to how to use it. However, I'm very computer literate so I feel I'd catch on fast. Photography is slowing becoming a hobby of mine and I need something to enhance my pics.
2. I'd never be able to afford the software so this is my only chance of possibly owning the package.
I think you are being so generous and sharing! Thanks for the chance!
peggie dot loden at gmail dot com
I did my own blog design a few months ago (and am itching to redesign again, kind of like my obsession with rearranging furniture and decor every few months), and used my ancient version of Photoshop (5, I believe). It works well, but lacks some of the features that newer versions have. I'd also like to get into designing photo cards for friends and family so this would really help out on that.
Thanks for sharing with us!
2. I am a prolific photo and artsy type and have been creating graphics in stinking PAINT. You know it is bad when you use MS Paint for graphics. You have NO IDEA how badly I need this program. You just don't.
3. I'm not telling anyone else about this contest. Because I want to win it. Sorry. I guess that makes me stingy. I don't care. And might I suggest that you please stop twittering about it now? ;)
4. Did I mention that I love you? And I'll advertise for you to get you clients? And send you chocolate?
Vote for ME! (my login is funky, but I'm Sprittibee - for real)
I also have 2 teens and a tween that would make me mother of the year if I won this. They have been asking for this program for thier photos.
Thanks for making the chance available!
Thanks Karen!
danielgrubb at rocketmail dot com
So, I'd love it for that reason!
Great or not! I love it! Thanks for the chance to enter.
Off to check your site!
I would love this program because: I'm 6 months pregnant, and right now any editing software that I can get my hands on will inevitably make me look skinnier in all the pictures being taken between now and the next 3 months.
Right? :) Okay, well maybe not, but it sure would be fun to have!
flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
P = prominent
H = heavenly
O = outstanding
T = terrific
O = ominous (ok, I'm desperate it here)
S = stupendous
H = helpful
O = (can't think of a third adjective staring with an O)
P = pleasing
I would so love to win this. I dabble in digital scrapping and blog templates but would love it for photos and to design business materials. I'm currently using GIMP.
Thanks for the opportunity!!!
I would love to win this because I am constantly working to update my website and software like this would make my life easier :) Also...since I'm a closet photographer (read: notsogoodyet) I'd love to be able to dabble :)
Thank you much!
I can never get things exactly how I want them, maybe this will help!
Hubby used to have this loaded on a shared computer, now he doesn't share...
This is an extremely generous giveaway, and I'm so excited to have the opportunity to enter to win it!!!
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
More reasons why I reallly reallly want this PS3...
1. I got a new camera last April and am learning how to use it. I would like to be able to take school photos and such to be able to afford to pay said camera off. CS3 would allow me to take photos like the Pioneer Woman (give or take a little experience and the horse ranch).
2. I want to learn how to design blogs. I already know html somewhat and can tweak templates, but having CS3 would allow me to make graphics and possibly make some money to supplement our income (and maybe keep us from having to sell the house).
3. My daughter wants to learn PS3 because I gave her my old digital camera and she loves taking photos. If we learned together, that would be a really cool way for mom and girl to bond. Maybe she could learn how to be a groovy photographer and artsy web designer type, too.
Thanks for listening to me whine. :)
- Heather
I would love something to edit family pictures in and create some graphics for myself and to give away to other WAHM's who are starting out. :-)
And your blog design ROCKS!!
I am wishing, waiting, hoping and praying to win this! I am desperate for photoshop (but can't afford it!!!). I want to make my own headers for my blog, edit photos, etc. etc.
I hope my mommy brain allows me to remember to enter this every day!
loriclendenen at hotmail dot com
Ah well, include me anyway, I can always put it on the PC in the living room.
I HAD cs3 on the Mac... but now it's gone. GONE!
I nearly cried.
But I thought hubby was going to make fun of me. : \
I'm loving reading everyones comments, but I keep seeing that it's probably not compatible with Mac. This makes me wanna boohoohoo my eyes out. I have a gloriously huge silver screen in front of my eyes with a lovely little bitten into apple on the bottom.
I guess that means that iff'in I won the prize I'd have to request (beg for) a PC for Christmas. Because a free version of Photoshop would obviously justify such a purchase...ah-hem. Thanks for the e-mail, too. I'm trying to wean myself off of leaving reasons and into just posting long comments every day. That way IF I WIN (please Lord, touch the integers or Karen's number picking finger...)- I'll feel like a real participant...or..something.
Lord bless ya today! ;)
flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
The picture as you can guess is not the best but if I was the lucky Photoshop winner I am sure I could doctor the picture up so I had actual proof of my sighting!
We need (well would really like) a photo program because all we have is a free one that came with the camera. It's nice and all, but it's not CS3.
Another cool thing is that I was hoping to ask someone on twitter if they had a copy of this to give away because of an upgrade. I figured it was way too outlandish to even suggest, so I didn't tweet. And lo, and behold - your contest came out a week later.
Maybe this is an answer to prayer? I sure hope so, cuz I could sure use that program!
carlyharrell (at) yahoo (dot) com
Another reason I'd love to win this is because my brain is memory is fading big time...a big case of mommy brain I'm afraid! I'm preggo with #3 and I can't seem to remember anything.
The other day I went to pull a bib out of the "bib basket" that sits on top of my refrigerator. I grabbed the top one and it was a pair of my 3-year-olds underwear. In the bib basket. Geesh.
So I would love to win this and put my brain to work! And learn new things! And do something just for me!!!
loriclendenen at hotmail dot com
P.S. I *know* that I did something way stupid/hilarious the other day due to mommy brain but of course I can't remember what it was!!! So i had to tell you the bib story instead. ;)
My email address is:
Oh well! Do have another reason this would be great for me Lisa is now taking photography class in 4-H and I know she would be thrilled to have a way to make her pictures better :-)
I need some new software to play around with some fancy new fan-dangley options ;).
Right now my Bible verses, on the photos, are just in straight lines. It has worked out fine, but I'd love to go in various shapes or lines. :D
Not really, my hubby got up at 5:30 to go eat breakfast with a bunch of older fella's, and the baby wouldn't let me go back to sleep...
So, as I chug my coffee I'll dream of having Photoshop, so that on mornings like this in the future, I can be editing pictures and making cool blog backgrounds instead of watching early morning news.
flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
Thanks, Karen!
I know my link has my email, but it's, just in case. :D
To win this package would be a dream
I hope I'm the winner that RANDOM deems
Then I'd be the proud owner of PS-CS3
A fantastic giveaway I'd love to receive.
Ok, what a pitiful poem!
I'd love to not feel left out when I go to all the tutorial sites... so I could actually learn something new.
Hey - and learning something new might prevent me from getting Alzheimer's. You just may be saving my life if you let me win this contest.
"It's me, it's me, it's me oh ma'am...standin' in the need of Photoshop..." =)
Random fact for today: I drooled over the program at Staples today. I did, I did.
flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
Love ya', Karen!
My husband informed me yesterday that he sure would like to make his own company business graphics.
I told him I was workin' on that...
Blessed Sunday to ya!
flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
God loves that number
and so do I.
If I don't win
I think I'll cry.
Not really. But, y'know. :)
flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
Have an awesome Monday!
I love to have real pictures in my blog header and this would be so much nicer to use to combine pics.
I did however spend several hours with a sick toddler (poor little guy) and doing the resulting loads and loads of laundry.
ANYWAY- My reason for today is that winning this Photoshop takes me out of an ethical dilemea.
A certain aquaintence of mine has this version and I asked them if they would be willing to let me come use theirs to do some text on a path- Their response- "Sure but I can just download you a copy of the net"
Tempting as it is I just couldn't use a 'pirated' version (I'm not much for eye patches, wooden legs, or parrots) so winning this would give me a good reason to gracefully deny their well meaning but slightly 'pirated' offer.
I would love, love, love to win Photoshop for FREE! (And hopefully I'll have a new camera in hand to go with it soon!) :o)
momfessions at gmail dot com
Thanks for the contest!
I have Pixlemater which is a cheap, generic version of Adobe. And I can tell.
This would be fabulous!
I have Photoshop Elements, but want and crave more features! Especially frustrating with the text and layer styles.
Please enter me, too!
"Re-gifting" is always a good thing, I would ADORE photoshop CS3. It's much updated from my current version. ;)
I'm an aspiring graphic designer myself, (, my website, is under construction) and I'm quite sure this would be helpful and beneficial to my entrepreneurial endeavors.
Thanks for the giveaway!
We would use this to jazz up our lives for sure!
On my blog....I'm giving away a cute camera case (3 to choose from). It is a homemade creation! But really cute!
lauren51990 at aol dot com
Jennifer Small
This is my favorite contest on Bloggy Giveaway, I'm so excited that I found this!!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Please check out my blog, I'm hosting a giveaway also. It's for a sterling silver Pearl ring and 2 Artist Trading Cards. Internationals welcome!
lagazdesigns AT mts DOT net
I would love to have this because I am a free lance SAHM graphic designer. I currently have AI 3 but have been wanting Photo Shop CS3 as I dont' have any version of the program. I know this would help me expand myself and my business in so many more ways... so I hope I win!
thank you for doing this!!! you are going to make some very lucky person very very happy!!!
This would really increase my capabilities in the area of design, so I would LOVE to win it. It doesn't bother me one bit that it is "regifted"! :-)
Thank you.
I'm a website designer and I'm still using PS Elements - an educational version! I LIVE for Photoshop!
Thank you for the opportunity!
Write From Karen
thanks for the opportunity!
Thank you,
I am a complete Photoshop junkie. Yes, I have Photoshop CS, and I use it every day. I would love to move up to CS3!
I deserve to win because I worship at the altar of Photoshop!
Rest assured, I will be back tom:)
bleach226 [at] yahoo [dot] com
gentzkelly at hotmail dot com
I know i will be a quick learner and want to use it for my husbands band and jewelry making:)
alaina at dinkerandgiggles dot com
smelkoski at yahoo dot com
AMAZING giveaway!
littlemelch at gmail dot come
Three more days...three more days...
flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
Why do I want this? As an artist, I can't remember a time I didn't want Photoshop, but everything else has always taken precedence. Yes, please enter me in your fantastically magical giveaway!!
canole07 at yahoo dot com
I have Paint Shop Pro but everyone I know in the digital scrapbook world ravs about CS3, so I would very much love to have this.
Thank you for an awesome giveaway!
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
I use an online photo editing It is anoying. Photoshop would rock!
gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com